Friday, May 11, 2012

Costco Trip

Today, I bought 6 qt heavy cream, 3 lb organic frozen blueberries, 5 lb organic frozen green beans, 24 oz parmesan cheese, 3 lb string cheese, 2 lb cheddar cheese, 5 L vinegar, 1 gal whole milk, 8 lb Kraft singles, and 4 lbs bacon. Most of my trip was cheese, lol! I rarely buy Kraft singles, but there was a great sale on them, so I stocked up and will freeze most of it. I am starting to go through quite a bit more vinegar since I am using it for most of my cleaning. It is inexpensive (only $2.89 for 5 L!) and cleans very well, so I don't see myself buying any more of the chemical cleaners. It's a real bargain, imo. Total spent was $85.55.

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