Friday, May 11, 2012

Shepherd Pie Recipe

This is Keith's version of Shepherd's Pie. He made it for Easter, and I think most people liked it. No one knew he made it with turnips and cauliflower instead of potatoes, until we told them. Potatoes are a real food, but since they are high in starch, we try to limit our intake. You probably won't even miss the potatoes in this recipe! Keith is a great cook. He usually just eye-balls instead of measuring. So, don't worry about trying to get the measurements exact. I'll add a picture later when we make it again. Hope you enjoy!

Keith's Shepherd Pie
1 lb grass-fed beef
2 TB steak sauce
cauliflower and/or turnips
2 TB cream cheese
3 TB grass-fed butter
salt & pepper
5 oz sharp cheddar cheese

Brown beef. Add pepper and steak sauce. Pour into lightly greased 9x9 casserole dish. Chop cauliflower. Scrape turnips and chop. Put both veggies in a pot of boiling water and cook til tender. Drain veggies well. Place in a mixing bowl. Add cream cheese, butter, salt, and pepper, beat til well blended. Pour mixture on top of beef. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. Top with shredded cheese and a little parmesan. Broil on Hi til browned.


  1. Ha! Grass-fed butter sounds funny! Yummy, but funny. Gonna try this recipe this week. I'll let you know how it turns out! Thanks again for starting the blog!

  2. Haha! It does sound funny, lol. Let me know what you think!
