Saturday, May 5, 2012

New Summer CSA Shares!

SOOO excited to get our first summer share today! We are sticking with our good man at Sugarfoot Organic Farms. The produce is all organic, and that means clean, healthy, and oh so delicious! We never know what we're getting til we pick up our basket, and so I was thrilled to see strawberries and tomatoes! We also received lots of spinach, squash, creasy greens, beets with greens, and green onions. We decided to upgrade to a large share this time and added a small fruit/nut share.We are getting double the vegetables and the added fruit for only 50% more than the medium share we got before. We were cleaning out our medium share in as little as 3-4 days, so I think we made a good choice by doubling up this time, and hopefully we won't have to buy any produce from the grocery stores. We also saved 10% by paying in full. Summer shares continue for 26 weeks. Total (per week) is $41.95.

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