Saturday, June 9, 2012

Almond Banana Pancakes Recipe

Almond Banana Pancakes

Almond banana pancakes are a little delicate, so you'll want to keep them fairly small and wait til the edges are nicely browned before flipping. We also use non-stick pan for these since they can get a little sticky.
  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 1 egg
  • 1 heaping TB of almond butter
  • vanilla extract, a couple drops
  • cinnamon
  • butter or coconut oil
Mash the bananas. Add egg, vanilla, and cinnamon. Mix well. Stir in the almond butter, adding a little more if you want a more pancake-like texture. Warm butter or oil in a pan (slightly lower than medium heat). Pour batter into small cakes. Brown on each side and serve warm.

These are so sweet that we don't use any syrup or honey. We just add a little fruit on top and protein on the side. Today, we sandwiched our sausage and pancakes together and made our version of "McGriddles". I even  put blueberries in mine, and it tasted like grape jelly. Hope you enjoy!

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