Friday, June 8, 2012

Pizza Rolls

Man, we have eaten more than our share of pizza rolls in our day. This is an easy, healthier alternative, for when you're in the pizza roll mood or just need a quick snack. Keith threw these together at lunch today. We had a few small, tender cabbage leaves that needed to be used. They were a perfect size for this. It didn't take him long at all, and they turned out pretty awesome...cheesy and buttery!

Easy Pizza Rolls
  • small cabbage leaves
  • pepperoni
  • string cheese
  • butter
  • Italian seasoning
Place one slice of pepperoni and a small  piece of string cheese on each leaf. Roll up tightly. Place on foreman grill. Sprinkle with Italian seasoning. Put a small pat of butter on top of each roll. Also put a small pat of butter just above each roll, so it bastes the roll as it cooks. Cook til lightly browned. That's it! Hope you enjoy!

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