Saturday, June 9, 2012

Easy Lunch

The girls and I have been eating salads for lunch for quite a while now. They were usually a little different, since we always had different veggies on hand. But, the season is changing, and I think that's a great excuse to start changing up our lunches! On Saturdays, we typically do a lot of sampling from all the good stuff in our CSA basket, and so we don't need a big lunch. This is Bri's (first) lunch plate. We had "Ants on a Log", which is celery with almond butter and raisins, tomatoes, bell pepper slices, strawberry, and cucumber sandwiches, which is just deli meat and cukes. I also wrapped a piece of ham around a few slices of bell pepper and sprinkled with pepper. Then we had a prune for dessert. Everything was simple, but so fresh, crunchy, and juicy. Nothing beats really fresh produce!

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