Monday, June 11, 2012

Keith's Triple P Chops

Keith fried up some nice pork chops from our recent Ovis Hill trip. He called them "Triple P Chops" since he used 3 different pork products to make them. They turned out very nice with a great tasting crust.

Triple P Chops
Pork Rinds, crushed
Grated Parmesan
Heavy Cream
Pork Chops
For the breading, use crushed pork rinds and parmesan cheese, about half and half, and add the spices. Mix together. He made an egg wash of egg and a little heavy cream. Wet the pork chops in the egg wash. Then coat in breading. Fry in hot lard til browned on both sides. We try not to cook anything above medium heat. These were pretty thick chops, so he had to cook them at a slightly lower temp. Hope you enjoy!

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