Thursday, June 14, 2012

Egg Muffins

I like to make egg muffins for several reasons. It's a good way to use up food, you can freeze them and save yourself some time in the mornings, they're healthy, and they taste good!
I used 22 eggs: half were my older organic eggs from Costco, and half were fresh pastured eggs from Ovis Hill. I used an old bell pepper from the freezer (thaw & let water drain), 2 onions, half box of frozen chopped spinach (thaw & squeeze water out), deli meat (fresh-ish & from the freezer), and a little cooked bacon. The bell pepper and half the deli meat have been in the freezer for months, so I was glad to find something to do with them! I had plenty of onions from our CSA basket, so I'm always looking for a reason to use those. Egg muffins can be made with whatever you have. Anything goes! I whisked the eggs, added all the chopped meats and veggies, added s&p, and poured into a greased muffin pan, filling each cup about 2/3 full. Bake 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Let cool 5 minutes. I only had one muffin pan, and it looked like this after removing the muffins. I'd forgotten how messy this can be without a non-stick muffin pan. So, instead of having to re-wash in-between batches, I decided to try something else.
I poured the second & third batches (together) into a greased 9x9 baking dish. Cooked 20 minutes. Voila! The new square muffins aren't as cute, but they taste the same, and I have less cleaning to do! These didn't stick at all!
I made 36 "servings", total, and we ate over 1/3 for lunch. These rest will be frozen and taken out as needed. You can microwave about 30 seconds on each side.
Hope you enjoy!

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