Wednesday, July 18, 2012


This is a basic spaghetti sauce, using pretty much the same ingredients I used in last week's lasagna recipe, so I'm just copying most of that same recipe over here and making a few changes. I did use fresh tomatoes in place of the canned diced tomatoes, and I doubled the sauce recipe so we'd have plenty of leftovers. I served with zucchini noodles and a side of fried okra (I just slice the okra and cook in coconut oil and bacon grease, sprinkle with s&p). Hope you enjoy!

  • 2 zucchinis
  • salt
  • 2 TB oil
  • 2 small onions, diced
  • 2 tsp minced garlic
  • 2 stalks celery, diced
  • 2 lb grass-fed beef
  • Italian seasoning
  • Basil
  • pepper
  • garlic powder
  • onion powder
  • 1 can organic tomato paste (6 oz)
  • (2) 14 oz cans organic diced tomatoes, drained, (or the equivalent in fresh diced tomatoes)
  • pitted black olives, sliced (about half a can)
If you're like me and don't have one of those cool spiral slicers to turn vegetables into noodles, just use a good knife. Slice zucchini into noodle-like strands (mine were more like fettucine noodles). Place in colander and sprinkle with salt to soften the noodles. Set aside. Heat oil in medium skillet. Add onion, minced garlic, and celery. Cook for a couple minutes, then add beef. Season with plenty of Italian spices, basil, pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder. Cook til meat is browned. Add tomato paste, stir well. Add drained tomatoes (or fresh diced tomatoes) and stir well. Season with plenty of salt and simmer, the longer the better. You may rinse the noodles to remove excess salt and blot dry. When ready to serve, just pile the noodles on your plate, top with sauce, and sprinkle sliced olives on top.

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