Friday, July 27, 2012

Traditionally Prepared Almonds

Raw nuts are very healthy, but they can be hard to digest due to the anti-nutrients in the hulls. These enzyme inhibitors can be deactivated with proper preparation. Soaking and drying for specific amounts of time (which varies by nut) allows more of the wonderful nutrition to be digested more thoroughly. I've finally found a method that works from Sarah at You can read more and view her video here. I am focusing on almonds since they are the only raw nuts I can find in stores and are decently priced. I buy in bulk at Costco or at drug stores when on sale, and store in the fridge to keep them from going rancid. So here's the very simple directions. It does take time, so plan accordingly. I soak the almonds right before bedtime so they are ready for the oven early the next morning. I also make sure drying day is going to fall on a day when I am home to keep an eye on them. My whole family seems to digest almonds much easier when prepared this way. Hope you find the same for your family!

Soaking: Almonds should soak at least 7 hours. At bedtime, place 4 cups raw almonds in a large bowl. Cover with filtered water. Add 1 TB sea salt and stir to dissolve. Leave on counter overnight.

Drying: The next morning (or at least 7 hours later), drain almonds and place on baking sheet, spread evenly to allow the nuts to dry properly. Turn oven to lowest setting, no more than 150° (you may have to adjust your oven). Bake 12 hours for a single layer, stirring nuts every couple hours. Nuts should be crunchy and dry. I store in reused almond cans and in the refrigerator.

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