Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Dr. Oz and Saturated Fat in Coconut Oil

This is Kathy's hubby. I ran across something this morning and I just had to share. Dr. Oz is apparently coming around, to the fact, that saturated fats may not have placed so many people on his operating table after all. So many follow his advice blindly and I can only see recommendations like this, as a good thing. Make sure you read some of the comments by people below the article as well. Check it out it by clicking here.

1 comment:

  1. Be sure to buy a good quality coconut oil, which should say "unrefined" and "virgin". You'll know you've found a good one by the great coconut taste. Some good brands we've found are: Vitacost (best price and taste, EfaGold (found at drugstores in the vitamin section), and Spectrum (at Kroger). Do not buy the Louana brand like I did the first time, which is refined.

    Very interesting to see so many reports of it helping with Alzheimer and Dementia!

    Some of our favorite uses for coconut oil are:
    1) cooking-sauteeing and roasting vegetables, deep frying potato chips and okra, cooking meats.
    2) deodorant
    3) diaper cream
    4) dandruff
    5) oil pulling
    6) sun burn
    7) moisturizer
    8) suntan lotion
    9) add to coffee

    What's your favorite coconut oil uses?
