Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Coconut Coffee

Keith's usual coffee with a little virgin coconut oil. Coffee was the very last thing that I removed sugar from, thought it was too hard to let go. Turns out, it wasn't so bad and I quickly got used to it without the sugar. I enjoy my coffee with a little butter, a little coconut oil, and lots of heavy cream (gotta get those saturated fats in!)


  1. What kind of coconut oil do y'all use?

  2. This was Nature's Way EfaGold Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. It is sold at drug stores, in the vitamin section. It's actually called a "supplement". But it's SO expensive, like $15 for 16 oz. We also found it online for almost half that ( Check out my newest post today, for my Vitacost Shipment. It's just as good, or better, and cheaper! I bought a huge 54 oz jar for $21. Whichever you choose, just make sure it's unrefined (or it may say cold pressed) and virgin. You'll know if it's the real deal by the taste, it will taste like real coconuts! Hope that helps!
