Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Today's CSA Pickup

This is from our weekly produce share. If you are new to Community Supported Agriculture, you can find more information on You basically buy a share from a local farmer who ensures you of weekly, fresh, local produce, and that, in turn, ensures the farmer of those sales. Ours comes from He is the only organic farmer in our county. I have never tasted foods so fresh and wonderful! Everything has so much flavor! We received our first organic asparagus last week, and oh my goodness, it was incredible! Today's basket includes: radishes, spinach, creasy greens, asparagus, squash, beets, and green onions. I do realize local and organic can be hard to find, and I feel extremely lucky to have this available. That said, I think it's important to do the best with what you have access to. Buy the best and freshest you can. You should be buying foods that are still "alive", in season, and with real energy, not dead food from a box or bag. If it doesn't rot, you probably shouldn't be eating it! And you can always start a garden. We are attempting a small organic garden this year for the first time. Not sure how it's gonna turn out, so we will still be purchasing our CSA throughout the summer. We will receive a discount by paying our share in full at the beginning of the season, and we will also be doubling our share this time for only a fraction more. I'm all about the savings, too! We do realize eating organically and cleanly is more expensive, but we have decided we are investing in our health, in our future. We are paying more now, in hopes of less medical expenses later. We are already saving in other areas of our budget which allows more room for our increased grocery expenses...1) we rarely eat out, which saves a fortune every month, 2) eating the "right" foods is more satisfying, therefore we are actually eating less without even trying (i.e. smaller meat portions, for example). 3) we no longer have heartburn, joint pain, rarely get headaches, sinus/allergy issues have greatly we're saving on all these medicines, already. Some mornings, Keith & I get up and aren't even hungry, just have coffee and call it breakfast. Breakfast is not necessarily the most important meal of the day, this is a slogan that the cereal companies came up with, btw. I bet you can guess why. And profit on corn is HUGE, we're talking like pennies to make a box of cereal, and consumers are being charged up to $5 a box. But that's a WHOLE other story for another day.

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