Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Coconut Shrimp & Squash

What a day! We had an appointment run long (don't they always?), and at almost 5:00 I realized I had nothing thawed or started for supper. Thankfully, Keith came home to help, threw me out of the kitchen (I guess I'm fired, lol), and put together a very tasty meal in no time at all. Shrimp is a great quick-thawing protein. I stocked up a while back when the wild caught was on sale at Costco. He chopped that large UFO-looking squash from our CSA basket, added the thawed, peeled shrimp, coconut oil, little butter, and spices, and baked at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes, then broiled for the last 5 minutes. Salad was fresh spinach, tomatoes, and little chopped squash.

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