Thursday, May 3, 2012

Dirty Dozen & Clean Fifteen Lists

We should all be trying to minimize our exposure to pesticides for better health. One way to do this is by choosing Certified Organic. Organic produce may not always be an option, so I think it's important for everyone to know which crops are highest in pesticide residues and which are the cleanest, or least contaminated. The Environmental Working Group has put together a shopper's guide with the "Dirty Dozen" and "Clean Fifteen" lists for easy reference. I always keep these lists with me when I shop. If the item is on the Dirty Dozen list, I choose organic or avoid. Apples and celery are currently the two dirtiest foods, and yet they only cost a few cents more to buy organically.

2011 Dirty Dozen (Buy these organic)
1) Apples
2) Celery
3) Strawberries
4) Peaches
5) Spinach
6) Nectarines-Imported
7) Grapes-Imported
8) Sweet Bell Peppers
9) Potatoes
10) Blueberries-Domestic
11) Lettuce
12) Kale/Collard Greens

2011 Clean Fifteen
          1) Onions
          2) Sweet Corn
          3) Pineapples
          4) Avocado
          5) Asparagus
          6) Sweet Peas
          7) Mangoes
          8) Eggplant
          9) Cantaloupe-Domestic
          10) Kiwi
          11) Cabbage
          12) Watermelon
          13) Sweet Potatoes
          14) Grapefruit
          15) Mushrooms

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