Sunday, June 17, 2012

Beach Food

We always work up an appetite on Beach Day, and that's usually before when even get to the beach! We start getting ready right after breakfast and get there around lunch, lol. I didn't plan the lunch til that morning, so I just threw things in as I thought of them. I boiled the eggs while making breakfast and cooked the bacon last minute when I thought, man I really wish we had some jerky! Bacon it was. Truth is we can't find a jerky we like, most are full of preservatives, with lots of sugar. I think we are gonna try to make homemade jerky soon. If anyone has any thoughts or tips on making your own jerky, please leave a comment! I brought extra treats for the girls: string cheese and homemade trail mix. We had so much fun at the beach. We had just enough food for the four of us, so no meltdowns or fast food temptations. This is a big step up from our past beach trips, which included sandwiches, chips, juice, and Mt Dew, or stopping at a drive-thru on the way home for burgers. It really wasn't much work, was guilt-free, and saved us money by eating from home!

Beach Lunch:
  • Fresh, local blueberries from farmer's market
  • Honeydew bites from Costco
  • Fresh (raw) organic green beans from today's CSA basket (to be added in next post)
  • Homemade trail mix: organic raisins, chopped raw almonds, dark chocolate bits, tiny pcs of Envirokidz organic chocolate crispy rice bar
  • Boiled pastured eggs with salt
  • Bacon
  • String Cheese

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