Sunday, June 17, 2012

Milk Does a Body Good? Maybe Not!

Although I disagree with his thoughts on grains, I think he hit the nail on the head with the dairy advice. I have done just as he suggested and stopped dairy consumption completely. I am probably going to go 2 weeks to a month without any dairy products to see how it goes. This is not the only place I have seen this information presented. It's striking to me, that the countries with lower dairy consumption have lower rates of osteoporosis. There are some ongoing studies to support that conventional milk may be a culprit in causing Autism. I am not going to get into that with this post, but I would be happy to share some sources for those interested.

 Here I am! This is my 7th day without one single dairy product. I remember how skeptical I was before eliminating grains from my diet. I read about the harmful effects and how great people felt after removing them. I tried it and low and behold, it was true. I noticed a HUGE improvement in my mood, energy levels, and alertness. I am taking the next step and testing to see if I experience similar results after eliminating the dairy. It hasn't been the easiest thing to do either. I miss my pastured butter and heavy cream but it is necessary to see full results. I will slowly add back in one dairy product at a time, to see which ones may be causing issues.

 "Quitting dairy?", I hear you say. It's blasphemy, right? We have been taught for years that dairy is so good for us.  So, fast forward almost a year later after reading and researching the effects of dairy on the human body. Screw what USDA and the "Pyramid" have to say. From everything that I have gathered, the pastured butter and the heavy cream is usually okay. It's the pasteurized and homogenized stuff that tends to create inflammation. This is the same for people who are lactose intolerant. The enzyme, lactase, that is normally in raw or low heat pasteurized milk is damaged in the heating process. It's presence in milk that is not heated to extremely high temperatures, assists in digesting the lactose before it is even ingested. This is why a huge number of individuals, who are lactose intolerant, can drink raw/low pasteurized milk without experiencing the discomfort that they do when consuming the stuff you find at your grocery store. I hear that most is "Ultra" pasteurized milk, and it is heated to 280 °. That kind of temperature kills everything in the milk.

 So you ask, "How do you feel after 7 days without dairy?.  AMAZING!! My energy level is through the roof and not experiencing any knee discomfort as I normally do. I have also noticed that my nose has not been dripping, like a faucet, within the first hour or so upon waking in the morning. More to come later.

6/23/2012: I am 2 weeks now and can't explain how much more energy I have. It is looking bad for dairy thus far.

7/7/2012: I am just a couple of days away from completing my dairy free 30 days. I have noticed a significant difference in allergy issues. The sinus flare ups are nonexistent and I have only taken one Claritin in the last 28 days.

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