Monday, June 18, 2012

CSA Basket

We received another packed basket of fresh produce from Sugarfoot Organic Farms. We got lots of zucchini, squash, eggplant, tomatoes, red onions, cucumbers, green beans, okra, baby purple potatoes?, and banana peppers. Fruit share was blueberries. While at the farmer's market, we also picked up extra blueberries ($3) from another local farmer and 2 bundles of kale ($1.50ea). We had so much produce, we had a hard time getting it all in this pic. When we spread it out, I usually have a moment of panic, thinking...what I am gonna do with everything? But it soon passes, remembering I do this every week, and we always manage to eat it all (except for a few onions, I still have some from last week!) I love my winter greens, no doubt, but I am really glad to be getting all these beautiful new colors each week! Has anyone had this white eggplant before? I appreciate any tips on those and onion uses. Our CSA shares come out to $41.95 per week. Actual cost today is $47.95.

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