Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Chicken 'n Onions

Most of our meals are planned around our fresh produce...what do I need to use next? It actually makes it pretty easy for me to figure out what's for supper. I just use the veggies that are most likely to spoil next. I try to rotate meats. On an average week, we typically have chicken once, pork once, fish twice, beef twice, and whatever we feel like that final night. For this meal, it was time for chicken, and I had plenty of onion, cabbage, and zucchini to use.

Chicken 'n Onions Sautee
  • 4 Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts (I used individually frozen from Costco)
  • 3 small onions, bite-sized pieces
  • Bacon grease
  • Bragg's Liquid Aminos
  • S&P
 Slice chicken breasts into strips. (I do this, carefully, while still frozen. I don't like handling raw chicken.) Warm oil in skillet over medium heat. (I used bacon grease since I had so much on hand, and the final product didn't taste like bacon at all.) Add onion, sautee for a few minutes, then add chicken. Season with s&p and a little Bragg's Aminos. Stir occasionally and cook til done. The frozen breasts are packed with a water/salt solution, so this kept the chicken moist. It's a really simple way to make delicious chicken. The girls haven't been big on onions lately, so I kept them large enough to be picked out. I was very surprised to see Bri had eaten her onions!

Roasted Zucchini
  • Zucchini
  • Coconut oil
  • S&P
Cut zucchini into bite-sized pieces. Add s&p. Drizzle with coconut oil. Toss to coat. Bake 400 degrees for 20 minutes. Coconut oil is great with vegetables!

Red Cabbage Slaw
  • Red Cabbage
  • Mayo
  • S&P
Slice cabbage thinly. Add mayo, s&p, and mix well. Let it sit a while before serving.

I have tried quite a few different red cabbage recipes. Every one that required cooking the red cabbage did not turn out well. I've tried Beef n Cabbage stir-fry, sauteed cabbage with apples and onions, sauteed with oil and vinegar. Every one was bleh! It seems our favorite way to eat it is raw, whether in a quick slaw or with a salad. If anyone has any good red cabbage recipes, PLEASE leave a comment below. Thank you!

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