Saturday, June 30, 2012

Paleo Apple Muffins

Here's a great muffin recipe I found at I just recently purchased my first Natural Almond Flour (almond meal) from after seeing this site recommend in various comments/blogs. The almond meal came in a huge 5 pound bag for $30. This may sound expensive, but at my local grocery store, almond flour runs $10 for a 1 pound bag! Since we don't normally bake, I'm hoping this will last us a while. And, it can also be stored in the freezer. My family and I don't really eat sweets or do any baking, but I figured I'd start experimenting a little with almond flour, and maybe this can help us even better stick to our dietary lifestyle. There are going to be times when we want a muffin or some other baked good, and I much rather make it from scratch and with wholesome ingredients instead of having something that's gonna give us the "sugar hangover". I followed the original recipe and these turned out wonderfully. Keep in mind that the recipe calls for one very ripe banana, and mine was just ripe, so mine turned out slightly sweet. I'm sure you could add raisins or an extra banana if you're looking for sweet. My family liked them as they were. I made 17 muffins this morning and have only 2 left as I write. I'm so glad they enjoyed them, and I hope you do as well! I think it went great with hot coffee and eggs!

Paleo Apple Muffins
  • 2 1/4 c Almond Meal
  • 4 pastured Eggs
  • 1 organic Apple (we like Gala)
  • 1 very ripe organic Banana
  • 1/4 c Coconut Oil
  • 1/3 c Water
  • 1/2 tsp Baking Soda
  •  1 heaping TB Cinnamon
  Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Using a fork, mash banana in bottom of large mixing bowl. Finely chop apple and add to bowl. Add all other ingredients and mix by hand. You'll have a cake-like batter. Grease muffin tin with coconut oil (or use baking cups). Fill tins 3/4 full. Bake 15-20 minutes, until toothpick comes out clean.

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