Thursday, June 28, 2012

Salmon, Okra, and Mashed Eggplant

Earlier this week, I attempted crispy-skinned salmon, after a few tries, one finally came out crispy, lol. It was pretty good, but I'm still not sure I like salmon skin. I thought I'd still post my not-so-favorite meals, maybe you guys can improve on them and let me know how to make them better!

Crispy-Skinned Salmon
Place wild-caught salmon skin side up on cutting board. Curl edges under with your fingers to create a round top. Score fish, and sprinkle salt in each cut. Place salmon skin side down in hot oil (cast iron skillet works well), over Med-Lo heat. Season with salt & pepper. Cook til salmon is cooked 2/3 way, you'll see the color change to white. Then flip and cook 1-2 minutes more, til cooked through. (I thought this turned out pretty well, but definitely needed more seasonings!)

Fried Okra was awesome!

Mashed Eggplant
Peel and chop eggplants. Steam til tender, mash, add s&p, minced garlic, and butter. Mix well.

We've been getting a lot of eggplant from our CSA baskets, so I've really been trying to come up with new ways to eat them. The mashed eggplant was pretty good. They weren't bitter at all. If you guys have any tips, please share! Here's another picture of the salmon, skin-side up. Keith had the leftovers for lunch the next day with a bunch of raw veggies on the side.

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