Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Fried Okra

Nothing really fancy here, but I had to post because of how well the fried okra turned out! I wondered how in the world I could make it without breading. Well, it turns out it's quite simple, just skip the breading!

Fried Okra
  • Fresh Okra (from my CSA basket)
  • Oil (I used old coconut oil and bacon grease)
  • Salt
Wash and dry the fresh okra . Slice into small round pieces. Drop into hot oil. Fry til brown and crispy. Place on paper towels and sprinkle with salt.

That's it! I was very happy to get that crispiness I've always loved about fried okra. I served the okra with a turkey roast (came in bag and already seasoned), kale chips, sauteed squash and onion with s&p, and fresh tomato slices with s&p and oregano.

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