Thursday, July 12, 2012

Ovis Hill Shopping

The girls and I made a quick run to see Mr Charlie and the gang from Ovis Hill yesterday. We went just for eggs and maybe a veggie or two, and came home with all this. I didn't even take my cooler since my freezers are full, and we don't have room for meats. But...we got there early, for once, and found a few great pieces of pork, which is usually limited. I HAD to get the breakfast sausage, AND the sun-dried tomato & pesto sausage. These sausages are SO incredibly good! Reminds Keith and me of pork we ate when we were little, back in the good old days before all the antibiotics and factory farms. I am so glad my girls get to taste REAL PORK. I also found a few great meats (ribs and cube steak) in the "scratch & dent cooler", which are 50% off meats that may have lost their vacuum seal or are slightly freezer-burned. We don't mind a few dents, and I certainly love a good discount! There was also a lot of fresh, organic produce available, but I didn't get much since we're still working on our CSA basket. Here's the breakdown:

8 doz Eggs, $4/doz
St Louis Style Pork Ribs (4.5 lbs) $7.87
Breakfast Sausage $8.23
Sun-Dried Tom & Pesto Sausage $6.23
Beef Cube Steak (1.25 lbs) $4.22
Chard $3
Bell Pepper $1.50
Tomatoes $1.29
Total: $65.91

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