Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Bacon Frittata

Frittatas have got to be the easiest breakfasts I've ever made. I've made these every day this week for several reasons: I'm trying to catch up on produce, they are so simple to make, and they are delicious! Our usual breakfasts consist of bacon and eggs, and the girls have a small piece of sprouted grain toast and some fruit. I don't care for carbs with my breakfast, but when they are hidden in these dishes, I hardly know they're there. It's a good way to get more vegetables in our diets, and I don't have to stand over the stove cooking 5 different eggs for us girls. You can use any meat or veggies and how many ever eggs you like. Here's how I make bacon frittata:

Bacon Frittata
  • Bacon, 4 slices
  • Veggies of choice, chopped
  • Bacon fat
  • 4-6 pastured eggs
  • s&p
Cook bacon on foreman grill. Heat oven-safe skillet over med-lo heat. Add 1-2 TB bacon fat. Add veggies and sautee. Season with s&p or spices of choice. Beat eggs in separate bowl. When veggies are done to your liking, place bacon on top. Pour eggs over meat and veggies. Turn heat to Lo. Add additional s&p, if desired. Turn oven to Broil (1 or lowest). Continue to cook frittata on stove til edges are cooked. Place in oven on lowest rack. Broil for just a few minutes to cook top of eggs, careful not to burn. When frittata has finished cooking, use a rubber spatula to separate egg from pan and lift/slide onto plate or cutting board. Use a pizza cutter to slice into triangles. Serve immediately.

*The girls like their "breakfast pizza" and they don't mind the veggies on the bottom. If you use sausage, just crumble into skillet and brown, then add chopped veggies, spices, and pour egg on top. Keith made one this weekend with fresh Rosemary added to the veggies, it was great! I've used mushrooms, baby kale, zucchini, and pattypan squash. Anything goes, really! If y'all make this, let us know what you use and how it turns out. Hope you enjoy!

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