Monday, June 4, 2012

Bac-in Cheeseburger Recipe

This is Keith's newest version of a bacon cheeseburger. It was SO juicy! Check it out.

Keith's Bac-in Cheeseburger
  • 1 lb grass-fed beef from Ovis Hill
  • 4-5 slices bacon, uncooked, very finely chopped
  • pepper
  • cheddar cheese
  • veggies of choice: lettuce, tomato, onion
  • mustard
Mix beef, chopped bacon, and pepper. Form 8 rough patties. Center cheese on 4 patties. Then top each of these patties with a plain patty and form the two together, so that the cheese is sealed in the center of each burger. Fry in skillet. Serve with veggies and mustard.

The burgers had so much flavor with the bacon throughout the meat, and the cheese center was awesome! Between that juiciness and the fresh tomato, we had one of those good drippin' burgers where you lick your fingers clean! We had a small, tender cabbage from our CSA basket, and the leaves were a perfect size for bun replacement. The cabbage leaves had a bowl-like bottom which held in the burger and fixins quite nicely. That was a GOOD burger! We'll definitely be making these again.

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