Monday, August 20, 2012

Costco Trip

This was a light trip to Costco for some staple groceries. One of my favorite bloggers/experts wrote, "Buy the best you can afford." She went on to say that if SPAM was the best meat she could afford, that's what she would buy. This really spoke volumes to me. It seems that so many stress with nit-picking over every single detail of what they are eating, that it becomes stressful and takes the enjoyment out of eating good foods. Just eat REAL food (plants, animals, good fats), eat as cleanly as you can, and don't worry so much. I've posted about the "Dirty Dozen" and "Clean Fifteen" lists here. This is a great guide to help us make healthier and more affordable produce choices. I keep these lists in my purse for quick references when I shop. I try to buy most greens organic, as well as apples, berries, and celery. Some items, like pineapple, avocado, and mushrooms, are pretty clean foods, and they don't necessarily have to be purchased organically to still eat cleanly. The frozen pineapple chunks were only $1.75/lb, that's about half the price of frozen organic berries, for example, so I gladly bought these for a little variety. I think these will go well in a green smoothie! Bacon and eggs...need I say more? We eat bacon and eggs just about every day. When we run low on our pastured eggs from Ovis Hill, I pick up these to hold us until our next pick up. These are the best eggs I've find from a store: they taste pretty good, are organic, cage-free, certified humane, with no hormones or antibiotics. Frankly, these are the only store bought eggs we buy and don't get grossed out when we eat them. I swear, when you start eating cleaner foods, you start realizing how nasty some conventional foods taste. Pastured pork is about $9/lb, and as much as we go through, we will just keep buying the $3/lb bacon for now. Our whole family loves these sardines, boneless, skinless, and packed in a healthy oil...just sardines, olive oil, and salt.
  • Organic Spinach, 1 lb $4.49
  • Pineapple Chunks, 4 lb $6.99
  • Organic Apple Slices, 3 lb $8.99
  • Organic, Certified Humane Eggs, 2 doz $6.99
  • Bacon, (2) 4 lb packages at $12.99
  • Sardines, Boneless and Skinless in Olive Oil, 5 cans $7.99
Total $62.04

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