Monday, May 21, 2012

Keith's Roast Beef Supper

Keith served up one deee-licious meal last night! It was a grass-fed chuck roast from our Ovis Hill Meat Share, cooked with onions and served with a side of fried squash, the veggies from our CSA basket. He didn't have to cook the roast very long, and it was SO juicy and tender! I'm telling you, grass-fed meat is the way to do it, so incredibly healthy and delicious! As usual, Keith just threw stuff in, so I don't have any measurements for you, but I'll give you the ingredients he used. Do you have any favorite roast ideas? Leave me a comment below!

Keith's Roast Beef
3 lb grass-fed chuck roast-place in 9x9 baking dish
Pepper & Paprika to season the meat. Then sear beef on both sides. Place in 9x9 baking dish.
Butter pats of top of meat
Water-about 1/3 way up the side of the meat
Bragg's Liquid Aminos-add to water (doesn't take much)
Onion bulbs-drop in the water
Bake in a covered dish at 375 degrees for 2 hours. Check towards the end to make sure it doesn't overcook.

Fried Squash
Wash & slice summer squash lengthwise
Dip in egg wash (egg and milk, whisked together)
Dip in parmesan cheese
Fry in grease (he used bacon grease and butter), brown both sides.


  1. I love your posts. Roasts are my favorite. I used to leave Mr Cecil's on Saturdays and head home to QUICKLY bake a roast before Mama came home from Wal Mart. Poor Mr. Bobby Gene and Daddy ate many tough, experimental cuts of meat! My favorite roast is bone-in chuck. Season with fav spices all over and then brown it throughly on all sides. This does ensure the roast retains its juices. Add to a large crock pot and fill with water or unsalted broth up to half of the roast. Add sliced onions. Cook half the day on low. Then add the rest of any veggies you like. The ideas are limitless. Cook another 2 hours and it the meat will fall of the bone!

  2. You're so right, kb! I don't think I've ever had two roasts the same...lots of options. And thanks for mentioning the searing, I forgot to add that step. Mama always did that, too. She'd start right after breakfast and it was always perfectly done by the time we got home from church. Thanks kb!
